Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, erhöhen Sie Ihre Produktivität und bleiben Sie durch die branchenführenden Schulungen des Crestron Technical Institute der Konkurrenz im Wettbewerb immer voraus

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Finden Sie schnell die Antworten und Ressourcen, die Sie für alles rund um Crestron benötigen. Stellen Sie Fragen, verwalten Sie bereits gestellte Fragen, greifen Sie auf Häufig gestellte Fragen zu, und vieles mehr.

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Licensing and registration hub

XiO Cloud is Crestron’s entirely cloud-based device management and monitoring solution, designed to make managing your workplace technology easier and more efficient from anywhere in the world.

New Account Registration & Licensing

Fill out this form to register a new XiO Cloud account and/or subscribe to a new free XiO Cloud or paid XiO Cloud Premium subscription on a new or existing XiO Cloud account.

Requirements for Request:

For new paid XiO Cloud Premium subscriptions only, PO Number or Sales Order Number for the XiO Cloud Premium subscription.

Increase Device Count for Existing XiO Cloud Premium Subscriptions

Fill out this form to increase device count of an existing XiO Cloud Premium subscription.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number for the increase device count for XiO Cloud Premium subscription

Renew Existing XiO Cloud Premium Subscriptions

Fill out this form to renew an existing XiO Cloud Premium subscription.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number for XiO Cloud Premium subscription renewal.

XiO Cloud Single Sign-On Integration

Fill out this form to have your XiO Cloud account integrated with your IdP for Single Sign-On access.

Requirements for Request:

SAML Knowledge Article - Crestron XiO Cloud® Platform

Open ID Knowledge Article - Crestron XiO Cloud® Platform

Add Desk Scheduling Service

Register a free XiO Cloud account for Desk Scheduling devices (such as TSS-470e and DSS-100).

Crestron Virtual Control is a control platform for enterprise applications that can be used in place of hardware‑based Crestron control systems. The platform runs programs to control multiple rooms over the network from a single, centralized location.

VC-4 Room Licenses (VC-4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25) via XiO Cloud

Fill out this form to request VC-4 Room licenses to be assigned and managed via XiO Cloud. Licenses can be added to a new XiO Cloud account or to an existing XiO Cloud account.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing VC-4 Room licenses

VC-4 Room Licenses (VC-4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25) via USB Offline Dongle

Fill out this form to request VC-4 Room licenses to be assigned via the USB Offline dongle. One dongle must be utilized per VC-4 server.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing VC-4 Room licenses

Serial Number of USB-OFFLINE dongle

System Key

Crestron integriert Systeme und Technologien, die normalerweise autark arbeiten, so dass sie als ein einziges System zusammenarbeiten. Die Überwachungs- und Terminplanungssoftware Crestron Fusion geht noch einen Schritt weiter indem eine Intelligenz darüber gelegt wird, um Prozesse im Unternehmen zu optimieren. Es ist einfacher als je zuvor, leistungsstarke Tools zu erhalten, die Kunden einen echten additiven Nutzen bieten, einschließlich Netzwerkbasierte Raumplanung und -buchung, Remote-Helpdesk, globale Geräteüberwachung sowie Datenerfassung und Berichterstellung.

Crestron Fusion On-Premise (New Install or Upgrade)

Prior to licensing Fusion in an on-premise installation, please have the application installed and configured. For assistance regarding installation, please reach out to

Reach out to for assistance on activating your Crestron Fusion Cloud license.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-FUSION-P licenses.

Crestron Hosted Scheduling Service

Reach out to for assistance on activating your SW-HS licenses.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-HS licenses.

Crestron Hosted Fusion Cloud Service

Reach out to for assistance on activating your Crestron Fusion Cloud instance.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-FUSION-C licenses.

Crestron systems allow for interfacing with BACnet™ network/IP based equipment directly through any 3‑Series® control system, 4‑Series™ control system, VC-4, or VC-4-PC-3.

BACnet Licensing for 3-Series or 4-Series Control Systems

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for the 3-Series or 4-Series Controls Systems to be applied via Crestron Toolbox.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

System Key

BACnet Licensing for Crestron systems via Crestron XiO Cloud

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for devices to be applied and managed via Crestron XiO Cloud.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

BACnet Licensing for VC-4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25 via USB Offline Dongle

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for Virtual Control products to be applied via the USB Offline dongle.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

System Key

Serial Number of USB-OFFLINE dongle

Multi-Program License for RMC3, RMC4, MPC3, and MP4 Systems

Aktiviert die Funktion der modularen Programmierarchitektur (MPA) eines RMC3 3-Series®-Steuerungssystems, eines RMC4 4-Series™-Steuerungssystems, eines MPC3 3-Series Media Presentation Controllers oder eines MC4 4-Series-Steuerungssystems.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Custom Programming Slot for ZUM-HUB4

Activates the custom program slot that allows a ZUM-HUB4 control system to run a custom program in parallel with the centralized management native to the ZUM-HUB4. Create and update programs that provide custom functionality without affecting the centralized management of the ZUM-HUB4.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Third-Party Lighting System Activation

Activates the capability for Crestron control systems to be integrated with Third-Party Lighting Systems.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Serial Number of control system

AirMedia License

Activates the built-in AirMedia® feature of the 3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 and 350 (models DMPS3-4K-250-C and DMPS3-4K-350-C). Enables wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Serial Number of control system


Activates the DM NVX software capabilities.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing licenses

DM-NVX-SW via USB Offline Dongle

Activates the DM NVX software capabilities.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Crestron Mobility License for Crestron One and HTML5

This license is no longer required. Please ensure you are utilizing the latest versions of our software as the license requirement has been removed. If you are having difficulties, please reach out to our True Blue Support team for assistance.

Crestron XiO Cloud

XiO Cloud is Crestron’s entirely cloud-based device management and monitoring solution, designed to make managing your workplace technology easier and more efficient from anywhere in the world.

Trial Subscriptions Request

Fill out this form to request a free full featured 60 day trial. Once submitted, an email will be provided with login and account details.

New Account Registration & Licensing

Fill out this form to register a new XiO Cloud account or new XiO Cloud Premium account.

Requirements for Request:

For new XiO Cloud Premium accounts only, PO Number or Sales Order Number for the XiO Cloud Premium device licenses.

Update Existing Account Subscriptions

Fill out this form to add device licenses to an existing XiO Cloud Premium account.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number for the XiO Cloud Premium device licenses.

XiO Cloud Single Sign-On Integration

Fill out this form to have your XiO Cloud account integrated with your IdP for Single Sign-On access.

Requirements for Request:

SAML Knowledge Article - Crestron XiO Cloud® Platform

Open ID Knowledge Article - Crestron XiO Cloud® Platform

Add Desk Scheduling Service

Register a free XiO Cloud account for Desk Scheduling devices (such as TSS-470e and DSS-100).

Crestron Virtual Control

Crestron Virtual Control is a control platform for enterprise applications that can be used in place of hardware‑based Crestron control systems. The platform runs programs to control multiple rooms over the network from a single, centralized location.

VC-4 Room Licenses (VC-4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25) via XiO Cloud

Fill out this form to request VC-4 Room licenses to be assigned and managed via XiO Cloud. Licenses can be added to a new XiO Cloud account or to an existing XiO Cloud account.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing VC-4 Room licenses

VC-4 Room Licenses (VC-4,VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25) via USB Offline Dongle

Fill out this form to request VC-4 Room licenses to be assigned via the USB Offline dongle. One dongle must be utilized per VC-4 server.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing VC-4 Room licenses

Serial Number of USB-OFFLINE dongle

System Key

Crestron Fusion

Crestron integriert Systeme und Technologien, die normalerweise autark arbeiten, so dass sie als ein einziges System zusammenarbeiten. Die Überwachungs- und Terminplanungssoftware Crestron Fusion geht noch einen Schritt weiter indem eine Intelligenz darüber gelegt wird, um Prozesse im Unternehmen zu optimieren. Es ist einfacher als je zuvor, leistungsstarke Tools zu erhalten, die Kunden einen echten additiven Nutzen bieten, einschließlich Netzwerkbasierte Raumplanung und -buchung, Remote-Helpdesk, globale Geräteüberwachung sowie Datenerfassung und Berichterstellung.

Crestron Fusion On-Premise (New Install or Upgrade)

Prior to licensing Fusion in an on-premise installation, please have the application installed and configured. For assistance regarding installation, please reach out to

Reach out to for assistance on activating your Crestron Fusion Cloud license.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-FUSION-P licenses.

New Account Registration & Licensing

Reach out to for assistance on activating your SW-HS licenses.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-HS licenses.

Crestron Fusion On-Premise (New Install or Upgrade)

Reach out to for assistance on activating your Crestron Fusion Cloud instance.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number of SW-FUSION-C licenses.

BACnet Licensing

Crestron systems allow for interfacing with BACnet™ network/IP based equipment directly through any 3‑Series® control system, 4‑Series™ control system, VC-4, or VC-4-PC-3.

BACnet Licensing for 3-Series or 4-Series Control Systems

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for the 3-Series or 4-Series Controls Systems to be applied via Crestron Toolbox.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

System Key

BACnet Licensing for Crestron systems via Crestron XiO Cloud

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for devices to be applied and managed via Crestron XiO Cloud.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

BACnet Licensing for VC-4, VC-4-PC-3, VC-4-SERVER-25 via USB Offline Dongle

Use this form to request BACnet licenses for Virtual Control products to be applied via the USB Offline dongle.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing BACnet licenses

System Key

Serial Number of USB-OFFLINE dongle


Multi-Program License for RMC3, RMC4, MPC3, and MP4 Systems

Aktiviert die Funktion der modularen Programmierarchitektur (MPA) eines RMC3 3-Series®-Steuerungssystems, eines RMC4 4-Series™-Steuerungssystems, eines MPC3 3-Series Media Presentation Controllers oder eines MC4 4-Series-Steuerungssystems.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Custom Programming Slot for ZUM-HUB4

Activates the custom program slot that allows a ZUM-HUB4 control system to run a custom program in parallel with the centralized management native to the ZUM-HUB4. Create and update programs that provide custom functionality without affecting the centralized management of the ZUM-HUB4.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Third-Party Lighting System Activation

Activates the capability for Crestron control systems to be integrated with Third-Party Lighting Systems.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Serial Number of control system

AirMedia License

Activates the built-in AirMedia® feature of the 3-Series® 4K DigitalMedia™ Presentation System 250 and 350 (models DMPS3-4K-250-C and DMPS3-4K-350-C). Enables wireless presentation of content from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet device via a Wi-Fi® wireless network.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Serial Number of control system

Software Licenses


Activates the DM NVX software capabilities.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing licenses

DM-NVX-SW via USB Offline Dongle

Activates the DM NVX software capabilities.

Requirements for Request:

PO Number or Sales Order Number containing program licenses

Hostname/System Key

Crestron Mobility License for Crestron One and HTML5

This license is no longer required. Please ensure you are utilizing the latest versions of our software as the license requirement has been removed. If you are having difficulties, please reach out to our True Blue Support team for assistance.

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