Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, erhöhen Sie Ihre Produktivität und bleiben Sie durch die branchenführenden Schulungen des Crestron Technical Institute der Konkurrenz im Wettbewerb immer voraus

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Steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz, erhöhen Sie Ihre Produktivität und bleiben Sie durch die branchenführenden Schulungen des Crestron Technical Institute der Konkurrenz im Wettbewerb immer voraus

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Erleben Sie Momente, die durch die DM NVX®-Technologie möglich geworden sind.

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Der Draft Room der New York Giants präsentiert von Crestron

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Verpflichtung auf Nachhaltigkeit
we lead with integrity, transparency, and excellence

Every day people place their trust in Crestron and the products we make. We take that seriously; we know we earn their trust by our actions.

Here are some of the ways we are holding ourselves to a higher standard:

Committed to technology innovation

We are committed to driving technological innovation by focusing on cutting-edge solutions that enhance user experiences, promote sustainability, and shape the future of connected environments.

Our objectives:

  • Develop smart building technologies
  • Advance sustainable AV technology
  • Invest in research and development
  • Foster a culture of innovation

High-quality products and solutions

We are dedicated to exceeding customer expectations by providing high-quality products and solutions. We strive for product life cycle longevity through extensive quality testing and sustainable engineering processes, reducing the need to manufacture replacements and further lessening our impact on the planet. Our quality management system complies with ISO 9001 standards, ensuring continuous improvement.

Committed to supply chain ethics

We hold our suppliers to a high standard as well. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines expectations for ethical, responsible, and lawful practices throughout our global supply chain. Key areas covered include:

  • Labor and Human Rights: Fair treatment, no forced labor, no child labor, freedom of association, and fair wages. Learn more in our Anti-Slavery And Human Trafficking Position Statement
  • Health and Safety: Providing a safe and healthy work environment, including emergency preparedness, sanitation, and occupational injury prevention.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Abiding by environmental regulations, handling chemicals responsibly, and reducing pollution.
  • Integrity and Compliance: Maintaining accurate records, prohibiting bribery and corruption, protecting intellectual property, protecting privacy and providing information security, responsible sourcing of minerals, and ensuring product quality.
  • Reporting Concerns: Establishing channels for reporting potential violations of the Code of Conduct.

Committed to sustainability

We recognize our responsibility to operate more sustainably and have launched comprehensive initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, optimize resource utilization, and foster environmentally conscious practices throughout our organization and beyond. Key team members meet quarterly to ensure we are taking steps to improve and meet our goals.

Sustainability Workshop Series

We integrate sustainability into our core operations through a series of engaging workshops. They focus on key areas such as optimizing energy efficiency across all facilities, implementing robust waste management programs (including recycling, and e-waste initiatives), and fostering a positive social impact through employee development, health and well-being programs, and community engagement. We emphasize sustainable practices throughout the product life cycle. Workshops dedicated to design and supply chain management explore topics including eco-friendly packaging, sustainable product design, responsible sourcing, and minimizing Scope 3 emissions.

"Supporting sustainability throughout our value chain means Close collaboration with our suppliers to ensure ethical and Eco-friendly practices, reducing risks SUCH AS labor violations and environmental harm.”
Cal Delano,
General Manager, Manufacturing and Operations


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Crestron 2024 Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

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Wir nehmen die Unternehmensverantwortung ernst.

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Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt

Wir entwickeln Produkte von Weltklasse, die besser für unseren Planeten sind.

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Soziale verantwortung

People are always our first priority.

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