The Marriage of the Cameo Mechanics to the Luhkee Look
Luhkee’s tolerances are designed to ensure that every push of a button gives the same “tactile feedback” perfected by Crestron’s engineers when they built the Cameo keypad — details such as the needed pressure and the feel of a switch engaging are all preserved when the Luhkee faceplate is layered on top of the Cameo keypad “chassis.” “Many prototypes were 3D printed before we arrived at this design,” says Staf.
Other details are immediately evident. “There are no visible screws on any of these products,” says Staf. The icons that are used in one version of the faceplates are carefully designed as well: “All the icons emit an even amount of light,” says Staf. There’s a long thought process that goes into designing those icons, he adds. “It’s especially important in residential environments that a client will know which button to press — and icons are more instantly recognizable than words.”
The feedback the Luhkee team has gotten has been overwhelmingly positive — especially from designers. “Designers mention that the consistency of quality and the way our family of products can harmonize a whole project are huge benefits,” says Staf.
For Jan, this next chapter is truly a labor of love. “Bringing design-forward products to market is something I've been familiar with for many years. Doing this together with my sons is really, of course, a ‘next-level’ experience.
“I'm very proud that I can see how not only the designs are appreciated but also that we can make a living from it. That’s a joyful way of doing things.”